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The Whelping Process: Creating a Safe and Comfortable Space

As we approach Lady’s 58th day of gestation, anticipation hangs heavy in the air. Her first litter arrived on this very day, and we’re eagerly watching to see if history repeats itself. Currently curled up contentedly beneath my chair, Lady embodies the perfect balance of canine companionship. Despite her growing belly, her playful spirit remains undimmed. A flick of the wrist for a familiar toy elicits a joyful wag, and her beauty continues to shine. There’s an undeniable maternal glow about her, yet her unwavering devotion and willingness to simply be near me fills my heart. The coming arrival of her pups is a source of immense excitement, and Lady’s unwavering grace throughout pregnancy makes the experience even more special.

Nesting, Anticipation, and Family Fun

Preparations for our eight new arrivals are in full swing! We’ve created a cozy whelping area (see the video below) that perfectly suits their needs for the initial stage. As the puppies grow, we’ll gradually adjust their environment to accommodate their development.

Witnessing Lady’s pregnancy progress is truly fascinating. Just last week, her movements were subtle, but now I can distinctly feel limbs, heads, or spines with each touch. The intricate design of the canine body to nurture new life never ceases to amaze me.

It’s heartwarming to see the tenderness my family, including my husband, showers upon Lady. Their respect and protectiveness towards our expecting mother is truly touching. A palpable anticipation fills our entire household. My son Adam declared last night, “Mom, if Lady delivers tonight, you absolutely must wake me up! Even if I don’t respond, carry me to her. I can’t miss this!”

The privilege of welcoming these puppies into the world, nurturing them, and ultimately placing them in loving homes is incredibly rewarding. Lady has enriched our lives immeasurably, and we know these precious pups will bring similar joy to their future families. This is a question we’re frequently asked: how do our children handle saying goodbye to the puppies? The answer lies in understanding their purpose – to bring happiness to others. Our seven-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, expresses it perfectly: “Everyone needs a Lady.”

Are you Ready!

If you have decided that Sage Hill is a good fit for your next family member start with our application!